Il 5-Second trucco per Samsung Quick Share
Conserva Sopra convinzione i tuoi file più importanti, anche una volta che essi hai condivisi. La veste di Condivisione privata ti permette nato da impostare data e In questo momento tra pagamento dei file il quale condividi.
If the user chooses to share the file using a QR code, the recipient can simply copy or scan the code and receive the file instantly on their smartphone or device. Additionally, files uploaded to the Samsung Cloud can be shared with others as well.
Quick Share makes file sharing easy and fast not only with nearby devices, but between far away ones also. It works with a wide range of devices — Samsung phones and tablets, and PCs from both Samsung and other manufacturers.
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The most notable feature of Private Share is that users can control the recipient’s access permission and the file’s expiration date.
L'app Quick Share è già installata sui dispositivi per mezzo di Android 6 e versioni successive, dunque né servono altre app sul tuo dispositivo.
Invia facilmente file trascinandoli se no facendo clic a proposito di il tasto Attivo del mouse e selezionando "Invia insieme Quick Share".
Untuk berbagi file dengan perangkat terdekat, tidak ada batasan jumlah dan ukuran file yang dapat dibagikan.
Additionally, the sender can check whether the recipient has received files as well as if and when they have been opened them. To ensure confidentiality, secure files cannot be downloaded, and screenshots cannot be taken, preventing files from being shared with parties that do not have access.
File dikirim ke penerima Penerima akan mendapatkan pop-up yang meminta untuk menerima file yang dibagikan. Dengan mengetuk "Terima" pada pop-up akan memulai proses transfer file.
Για κοινή χÏήση αÏχείων με κοντινÎÏ‚ συσκευÎÏ‚, δεν υπάÏχει πεÏιοÏισμός στον αÏιθμό και το μÎγεθος των αÏχείων που μποÏοÏν να κοινοποιηθοÏν.
You can’t delete Samsung Quick Share as it is a built-in feature of Samsung devices. The best you can do is turn it Non attivato, as outlined above.